Amy Helene Fluitt, PhD
The Artist-Scientist is a Jungian archetype referring to creative discoverers best exemplified by the minds of Leonardo Da Vinci and Benjamin Franklin. The innocent curiosity of the Artist-Scientist is reminiscent of the pure, unbridled imagination of children who lack the experience to form biases. Einstein once said “The greatest scientists are artists as well”, but the rigidity of academic research can discourage young scientists from engaging in the imaginative play essential for innovation.
Art has aided science throughout human history by communicating findings through biological and astronomical illustration. Elements of science-fiction, such as the film 2001: A Space Odyssey, influence modern technological advancements because the freedom of expression granted to artists is rare in the realm of scientific research. In this talk, we will discuss how art and artists drive theoretical development and why scientists should embrace their “inner-artist”. Examples of biological illustration and science-inspired art will also be on display.